The GeForce RTX 3060 is so good at 4K in titles like Call of Duty: Warzone that it made me suspicious

Whenever I see the GeForce RTX 3060 discussed online, it isn’t uncommon to see folk dissuaded from upgrading to it from their current GPU, often from an older (but still capable) GTX series. The most common reasons for this are that without features like DLSS and Nvidia Reflex, the RTX 3060 is fairly on par with the GTX 1070 Ti, which leads people to believe that this wouldn’t be an ‘upgrade’ at all.

Discrediting DLSS is a grievous mistake however, and by overlooking it in favor of beefier GPUs you might actually be overspending, especially if first-person-shooters are your bread and butter.

Call of Duty: Warzone is one of many popular battle royale games to support the feature, and my benchmark of choice given how pleasant it can look at a higher resolution to test just how much a difference DLSS and other features like Nvidia Reflex can make on Team Green’s latest entry-level GPU.

Fun with new and old hardware