UK leading the way in AI jobs

New data has revealed that the UK creates more AI jobs than any other European nation with more than half of them outside of London.

The robotic process automation company, UiPath analysed 30,000 job listings from the employment search engine Indeed to determine which countries and cities are hiring the most in the growing fields of AI and machine learning.

China continues to lead the way in the AI industry with 12,113 job postings followed by the US with 7,465.

The UK has the fourth highest number of jobs in the field and leads the way in Europe with 1,547 jobs, ahead of Germany (1,120) and France (763).

AI jobs in London

UiPath’s research also showed that London is one of the world’s leading cities for AI jobs creation with 744 job postings putting it ahead of New York and eighth overall in the world.

While London may have made the top ten when it comes to AI jobs, surprisingly the majority of vacancies are located outside of the capital. Of the 1,547 jobs, 803 are located outside of London with Cambridge (102 jobs), Bristol (62) and Manchester (47) being the best performing towns.

When it comes to the most popular AI jobs in the UK, data scientist was the most popular followed by software engineer, consultant, AI researcher and sales engineer.

Demand for jobs in both AI and machine learning is rising as these technologies begin to play an even larger part in the lives of consumers and now would be a great time to consider a career in the field.

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